About Molly
Moll-ee Gar-zin-skee
Likes: open water, running, memes, corgis, live music, lighthouses, sunsets, campfires, puns, milk, public transportation, photography, golfing, tennis, scarves, couches, drones, Apple products, New York City, and being from Wisconsin.
Dislikes: the opposing team, neat freaks, right-to-left striped ties, nuts in baked goods, February, sunscreen, elevators, Zapfino, people with poor tooth-to-gum ratios, and those who have garages – but don’t park inside them.
Fun Facts:
– part owner of the Green Bay Packers
– was an NCAA sanctioned athlete in college (bowling team)
– started as a music major in college (plays flute, trumpet, saxophone, penny whistle, ukulele)
– huge fan of the oxford comma
– can do some pretty stellar impersonations
– when I was 4, I wanted to be a chipmunk when I grew up
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